Great animation that really captures the game
I just bought this game. It's the Meat Boy formula of play, die, die again, die again and die some more, almost rage quit then win. Then say "one more level maybe"
And then 3 hours pass.
This animation captures the heart of the humor and fun that went into this fantastic game and if you're still on the fence about this game, don't be, it really is as good as the reviews say it is.
Dismissing it as a glorified flash game is like calling Castle Crashers a glorified flash game. You're technically right (maybe), but you'd be missing out on something great. Also: who doesn't want a Meat Boy shirt avatar prize?
Now that I've had my nerd-out on the game. This animation is actually really nice, funny, and deceptively simple.
Kudos on the great game Team Meat, can't wait to see more.