In defense of the artist
Yes guys, the top 50 is ALWAYS going to sound similar because the crowd who actually votes likes a certain kind of music, therefore the songs are going to be of similar genre or style. It is in no way an act of plagiarism or cheap copy-catting that two separate artists can create songs of the same genre with similar beats and rhythm.
That said, take each song for what it is. 425 has done a spectacular job from the first set of notes grabbing our attention with a small, one layer synth (a commonly used style with most drum and bass or techno songs). He then progresses with well done drums, breakbeats, bass and the like. Its a good song and its in the top 50 because of this. The fact that its been in popular games on the portal also would help its score because its going to get a lot of views because of this.
So kudos to 425 for a catchy rhythm and some well done synth, and silence your ignorant selves, you biased blam spamming nut jobs.